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alberta berry scones

A scone, some fruit, and a latte is the recipe to my most perfect morning.

Now that summer is here, I thought it would be fun to share a scone recipe that can be made using berries grown here in (my home) Alberta, Canada! In doing so I hope to not only provide you with some baking inspiration but also to help foster a little appreciation for the land we live on!

I would like to acknowledge that the land I am on is Treaty 6 territory, the home of the Blackfoot / Niitsítapi, Plains Cree, Tsuu T'ina, Métis and Cree people. I invite you to check out the interactive map at to learn more about the land you live on.

My three favourite berries to pick (and eat) in the summer are strawberries, raspberries and haskap berries! You may have some of these growing in your backyard, you may see them for sale at your local farmers market, or you may find them at the grocery store in the fresh or frozen produce aisles.

Each berry will give your scones a slightly different flavour.


These berries are so refreshing, especially when picked fresh! We have a little patch in our backyard but they would also grow really well in a pot on a balcony! Fresh strawberries are always such a treat so if you are thinking of starting a garden I would definitely recommend growing these!


These berries have a sweet taste to them. Raspberry bushes are quite hardy and difficult to kill so they are also a great option if you are thinking of starting a garden! Where I live there are a couple of u-pick farms that allow you to pick your own fresh raspberries which always makes for a fun (and relatively inexpensive) Saturday activity in the summer!

Haskap Berries

These berries are tart yet sweet. I had never heard of them until I got the opportunity to go pick some at a friend's farm (@haskapandharvest) and somehow a lot of them ended up in my mouth...hmmm. While these berries are not as popular, they are definitely worth giving a try if you see them! I used these berries in the scones pictured!

I hope you get the opportunity this summer to try some locally grown berries! I also hope you get the chance to try out the scone recipe I have attached below because it is a real winner. These scones have a hardy texture and lots of berries for maximum flavour. While the three berries listed above have been my favourite to include, you can also experiment using other berries or even adding in some chocolate chips or nuts! The possibilities are endless!

If you make this recipe be sure to tag me on Instagram at @honeytoastblog so I can see how they turned out!

- Jess

Check out my tik-tok account (@honeytoastblog) for a video tutorial of the recipe!

This recipe was inspired by



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