My life has been changed.
Bread baking has always seemed very daunting to me. Gathering all of the ingredients, waiting (forever) for the dough to rise, waiting for it to bake, watching it on the counter as it cools. This girl loves bread too much to wait! But there is just something about fresh baked bread that nothing can beat and unfortunately I am not currently in a phase of life where I can pay $6.25 at a specialty bakery for an artisan fresh-baked loaf every week.
Short on time and short on money. How will I ever get my freshly made bread?
The answer: beer.
This recipe uses BEER as the bread's leavening agent. BEER! Finally a way to use that cheap can of beer someone left at your house that has slowly made its way to the back of the fridge. Besides the beer, this recipe has only four other ingredients and you very likely already have them in your cupboard as well! Affordable. Easy. How could this get any better? Well, it tastes amazing! This loaf in the picture did not last a day after making it. The texture really seals the deal with its chewy outside and soft inside; just be sure to sift your flour!
Having fresh baked bread on the counter without the pain of spending all day making it is a win in my books. For an easy to follow recipe video, check out my tik-tok at @honeytoastblog. If you make this recipe, I want to see it! Snap a picture and tag me on instagram at @honeytoastblog! Happy baking!
- Jess
